17 Oct New InnovEcoS White Paper: Metaverse Meets Banking
Metaverse meets Banking
You witness the Mars landing using extended reality, and step onto Mars alongside the first astronaut. Digital real estate, currencies and other assets are now commonly included in wills.
What will banks do in the Metaverse?
The “Metaverse” is one of the key trends considered by many as complex and threatening, made worse by anxiety toward the unknown. Experts assume that in five years from now, 25% of people will spend at least one hour a day in the Metaverse, for work, shopping, education, or entertainment, while 70% of brands will have a presence in the Metaverse.
The reality is that ignoring this issue is no longer an option, but the good news is that there is still time. The Metaverse is still years away from being fully realized, but experts, Wall Street, Big Tech,
governments and brands believe it will become a multi trillion dollar opportunity by 2030. It will be the entry point to most online experiences, and will also underpin much of the physical world.
It is too big for financial institutions to ignore, and it presents a tremendous opportunity, as the technology and new digital habits will alter how people, especially GenZeders , the future consumers of financial services, interact with businesses and each other in the digital world.
Metaverse Meets Banking aims to guide you through the Metaverse, bringing you key concepts plus an understanding of the key trends and challenges that will shape banking through some relevant use cases with a focus on financial institutions, preparing for more in-depth and broader individual discussions.
Read more here.